Mailbox Configurator
Design a Mailbox Configuration - Our Mailbox Configurator will help you determine the optimal number of mailboxes and parcel lockers needed based on your specific requirements. A summary with elevations, rough opening dimensions, sample installation instructions, model numbers, and other useful information is provided.
The Salsbury Mailbox Configurator will allow you to:

- Design a mailbox project with multiple walls or elevations
- Customize door configurations within 4C units
- Customize door identification to meet your requirements
- Vertically align wall installations
- Clone a completed project into a new one saving time for multiple submissions
- Check your pending or completed projects on your "My Saved Projects" page
- Receive dimensional PDF, Word, Excel and AutoCAD drawing files for use in designing, quoting or ordering mailboxes
- Easily add 4C and CBU mailboxes to your shopping cart
Recessed Mounted 4C Horizontal Mailboxes shown as example below. 
Sample shop drawing shown below.